Virtual Assistant Joy

One of the experiences which I did not expect when I became a Virtual Assistant was finding JOY in the mix of clients you have.  It is such an amazing pleasure having a variety of clients – Different industries equate to different ways of working and so many different subjects and topics in which you become involved.

I incorrectly presumed, after working in busy departments for 24 years, that it would be much the same in the virtual admin role.  However, many people working for different departments but part of the same company is vastly different from having a variety of clients.  Everyone in a company has the same focus and goals while different clients each have their own.

Nothing can quite prepare you for the fact that each client has unique requirements and ways of doing things and how they wish you to carry out work for them.  For many the industry they operate in dictates their ways of working but in other cases, it is purely personal idiosyncrasies.

Another aspect is time zones.  Having a client who is in a different timezone means that your working hours are varied to suit their requirements.  The benefit of being virtual and not office-bound.

Further mixing things up is the necessity of each client for the Virtual Assistants admin skills.  Obviously, some clients have daily / weekly / monthly admin requirements while for others an ad-hoc requirement and then there is the mix of daily / weekly / monthly and ad-hoc.  This ensures that each day is interesting, different and sometimes challenging.

The bottom line is that for me being a Virtual Assistant is definitely an experience filled with JOY!

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